
Exam Topics

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Below are some possible essay topics suitable for GCSE Level questions on 'Of Mice and Men'. Use these topics for revision by writing or planning the essays and comparing your work with that of a friend.

  1. The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them.
  2. When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Describe what each of these three do after the others leave, and explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. See MODEL ANSWER
  3. Describe in some detail the farm that George and Lennie dream of owning one day. When Candy and Crooks join the dream, what part do they foresee themselves playing?
  4. Curley's wife appears three times in the novel. Briefly describe what takes place on each occasion. On which occasion does she reveal the most about herself, and what is it?
  5. 'I like to pet nice things with my fingers, soft things.' Trace in detail the 'sof' things' that Lennie pets in the novel, showing that the petting grows more serious as the novel goes on.
  6. Describe in some detail the incident where Lennie crushes Curley's hand. What does this incident reveal about each of these two characters?
  7. While Curley is physically aggressive towards Lennie, his wife is sexually provocative. Show how these two characters create trouble for Lennie, and combine to cause his death.
  8. Many people in the novel suffer from disappointment. Choose any three of the following characters and discuss what reasons they have to be disappointed about their life: Crooks - Curley - George - Candy
  9. Which character do you feel most sorry for in this story? Explain your choice by referring closely to the events of the novel.
  10. Slim is the only character in the novel who is not handicapped in some way. Do you agree?

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