

compiled by Kelly-Joanne Lowthorpe

1. What is Shakespeare's first name?

2. What year did he write the play Romeo and Juliet?

3. What year was Shakespeare born in?

4. What year did Shakespeare die in?

5. What is special about April the 23rd?

6. How many days is the play Romeo and Juliet set over?

7. Name Juliet's cousin.

8. Name Romeo's comical friend.

9. Write down Juliet's surname.

10. Write down Romeo's surname.

11. What day was Juliet's marriage planned for when her parents told her about it?

12. What is the name of the person Juliet was supposed to marry?

13. Who killed Tybalt?

14. Who killed Mercutio?

15. Who killed Romeo?

16. Who killed Paris?

17. Give the full name of the person who banished Romeo from Verona.

18. Name the Montague servant who fought with Gregory and Sampson at the start of the play.

19. Where was Paris killed?

20. Where did Romeo and Juliet first meet?

21. Write down the literal translation of "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"

22. Where did Friar Lawrence marry Romeo and Juliet?

23. Who was the first person to suggest the marriage between Romeo and Juliet?

24. Who sold Romeo the poison?

25. What did Lord Montague decide to do to commemorate the death of the two lovers at the end of the play?

26. What was the girl called who Romeo was in love with at the start of the play?

27. Name the two comical characters in the play.

28. What does Juliet do after the Nurse advises her to marry Paris?

29. Who is talking to Friar Lawrence the first time we meet him in the play?

30. Who promises to erect a gold statue of Romeo at the end of the play?

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